
Acupuncture is one of our treatment modalities which can be very useful to treat muscle and joint pain such as back and neck pain, tension headaches, knee pain, shoulder pain, fibromyalgia and chronic pain conditions.

At the Foundry Clinic, our Physiotherapy treatment includes the use of Acupuncture to manage pain, improve recovery, and enhance rehabilitation. This technique stimulates the brain and spinal cord to produce natural pain-relieving chemicals, such as endorphins, melatonin, and serotonin, which assist the body's healing process. By combining Acupuncture with other Physiotherapy techniques, we provide a comprehensive approach to pain management and injury recovery. Book an appointment with us today and let us help you achieve a pain-free, healthy life.

What to expect?

Pre-sterilised, disposable needles

We use single use, pre-sterilised, disposable needles of varying sizes that pierce the skin at specific acupuncture points.

Treatment time

A number of needles may be used at each treatment and these are typically left in position for about 20-30 minutes before being removed. Patients will generally require about 3 sessions before the therapist can be certain of an effect, though some people may show immediate effects after a treatment.


Acupuncture is not a pain free modality; the needle sites can produce an aching sensation called ‘De qi’. This sensation forms an integral part of acupuncture according to traditional Chinese methods.

Pain relief

The effect of acupuncture is cumulative and pain relief builds up as the treatment progresses.

What is Dry Needling?

Dry needling uses acupuncture needles to relax muscle knots or release myofascial trigger points. It is a clean and safe technique that can alleviate myofascial pain, muscle tightness and headaches.  It is a scientifically proven Western technique.  A needle is inserted into a tight band of muscle which can cause brief localised discomfort with minimal side effects but is immediately effective. It works by changing the way the body senses the pain and deactivates trigger points (knots). It does this by mechanically disrupting the dysfunctional activity and stimulating healing deep within the muscle.
Acupuncture – treatment of pain and injuries at the Foundry Clinic

Our expert clinicians

The Foundry Clinic physiotherapist will run through a detailed history and examination to assess your suitability to acupuncture.  You also need to alert the physiotherapist to any medical conditions you may suffer from such as diabetes, heart problems and low blood pressure. N.B. Acupuncture is a very safe in comparison to other modalities used in medicine. Serious side effects are very rare; less than 1 in 10,000 treatments.

We specialise in treating various muscle and joint pains through our effective Acupuncture-based Physiotherapy services. Our experienced therapists help relieve discomfort from conditions such as back and neck pain, tension headaches, knee pain, shoulder pain, fibromyalgia, and chronic pain. Let us help you achieve a pain-free, healthy life.